monday morning...

last thursday evening when i was rootling through the chunky yarn section in our local craft store, i came across a fat quarter named 'farmdale curio' by alexander henry fabrics.
the little fat quarter distracted me from the chunky yarn section
with its pretty vintage palette of cream, brown, grey, red, orange and yellow.
i tried to ignore said little fat quarter, i rounded the corner and went back to my original intentions. but alas, the little fat quarter kept whispering my name, after ten minutes, which i thought was quite an admiral length of time, i caved...

since returning home to the shed with the little fat quarter
i have been 'a plotting' and 'a planning' quality time with the little sweetie.
this morning we awoke to yet another day of blustery 'winnie the pooh' weather
and so it seemed foolish of me to not take advantage.
"why do monday morning 'chorey' things Tif, when a 'perfectly perfect' little fat quarter
has been waiting patiently for 4 nights and 3 days to be played with" i told myself.
taken heed of my own wise words, i battened down the hatches, made a cup of tea, heated up Mr Shark and switched on Miss Ethel.

being the size of a little fat quarter, there was not a lot to play with,
i pondered a cushion or a bag as i pottled around my studio,
my pottling took me into the lounge, little fat quarter in my hand, where it all became clear.
kathleen's cupboard in all her peachy danish glory, had mentioned the other day, perhaps it might be quite nice to have a new coat.
well as i am all about little coats these days, who was i to disappoint.

a few happy hours later, 'patching and a stitching' with my little fat quarter playing center stage,
kathleen's cupboard is now feeling most happy indeed, with her grande 'just say it like it is' coat.
it is a little bit wonky, certainly random and perhaps a tad squiffy, but she doesn't seem to mind :)

she is thinking tuesday is looking a grand day for monday 'chorey' things ~ Tif