book week... day one

gosh i am tres excited about this week being book week.
i am thinking, there is nothing quite like a lovely book...

first up for day one of book week
is a perfectly peachy book all about crochet trimmings.
Our #3 gifted me this book on my birthday a few weeks back,
i can tell you it is probably one of the most loveliest gifts
i have ever been given by one of my clan.
to know my teenage son can walk into the local bookstore,
head to the crafting department
and find amongst all the beauties resting upon the shelf,
the one book most suited to my crocheting needs is quite extraordinary.
until i unwrapped my gift i had no idea as to this books existence
and yet it is perfectly suited to me,
which truly warms my mothering crafty heart.

upon seeing my lovely red book
i exclaimed to Our #3
how wonderful it will be to have other options
beyond my usual picot edging
delving into the world of fancy crocheted trims
all because of his thoughtfulness.
this is perfect timing as fall is on its way
and with it i am getting all nesty
and with nesty, i am getting all crochety
and nothing says 'nesty and crochety' to me
like a blanket with pretty edgings.

as perfect timing would have it,
i have just finished off a lappity lap blankie

and will be picking a suitable trim from my new book.

i have high hopes and will do my utmost,
despite predictable hiccups along the way
not to resort to my picot stitch,
i am most fond of my picot
but it is time expand my crochet trim horizons
aided by my trusty new red book and Mr Hook.

fitting in nicely with my 'nesty crochety' mode
is the need to clothe random jars around the shed in little winter jackets.
i did not know i needed to do this until the lovely lynda wrote to me,
telling me of Covet Garden, a beautiful online magazine,
which she produces with the help of some lovely creative folks.
i clicked,
and one click led to another click
which in turn
led to my obsession with making little jackets for jam jars.
the 'how-to' is for knitted little jackets,
which you will find on page 21-22 of issue 2
and on close inspection of the article
it looks to me this lovely book also contains brilliant how-tos.
how fabby is that, even more nesty things to inspire!

for a moment i was tempted to break out my needles
having laid idle for many a year,
but i could not do it dearest readers,
no i could not.
Mr Hook is my constant companion these days.

so by friday afternoon i was raiding the fridge,
tipping out contents in jars well past their sell by dates.
this was a grand moment for me,
made me feel my kitchen crappity crap ways, have a silver lining.
by friday night one jar was proudly on the mantelpiece

my clan actually marvelled at the jars and their little winter jackets.
now let me just say, my clan rarely marvel at anything i make,
it is one big blur of crocheted doilifying stuff and passes them by.
but i have discovered, much to my glee
a simple little crocheted winter coat on an old food jar
appears to be worth a marvel.

she is thinking little jars with winter jackets would make the most loveliest gifts this coming gleeful season ~ Tif