more visitations...

yesterday afternoon more unwanted guests appeared inside of Mossy Shed.
i was first alerted to their presence by an unwanted buzzy thing going past my ear,
i ignored the little buzzy thing and pottered about my business.
ten minutes later all four windows in the downstairs of our shed
were filling up with pesky little buzzing blighters.

i can do moths (just)
i can do spiders (if they leave me alone)
i can do mouseys (cause they have nice little noses)
and at a push
i can do ants (although i try not to befriend them inside of the shed)
but dearest readers,
i do not,
will not,
possibly entertain the idea of a fly party in our nest.

presented with an abundance of them caused me quite a concern.
after all, splatting one or two flies is obviously not very nice for the fly
nor one's abode, the clean up never being pretty.
i counted over 30 flies upon my panes.
just the thought of swatting so many pesky visitors made me quite queasy.

"what to do Tif, what to do" i muttered away
whilst my boys, lurgified and quite revolting to be close to,
still managed to entertain thoughts of
a grand splattering party within the kitchen.
all the time a little bit of panic was welling inside.
if over 30 were visible then how many were not,
where was their hidey hole,
how many pairs of fly eyes were on me...

this is the moment i told my dear friend lola
i was most pleased to never have read nor seen Lord of the Flies.
i noted after several minutes of studying their behavior,
a few were drowsy, a couple perhaps drunk.
there was nothing for it,
i needed to bring in the big guns...
i reached for Dylan Dyson,
my trusty bagless vacuum cleaner with a cyclone thingy-me-jig.
he has served me well for over 7 years
and i knew he would not let me down in my hour of need.
for the rest of the evening Dylan Dyson was on high alert.
when the cry of "there's another" echoed around the shed
Dylan went to the rescue.

i went to bed last night,
most fretful i would wake to a shed taken over by flies.
this morning however i am delighted to report
only one pesky little blighter has been brave enough to show his face.
i am hoping word has got back to 'fly land'
and they realize the shed is not the place for their partying ways.

as i have come down from my 'high fly alert' state of mind
i have used my time wisely
hanging a few sprightly crocheted garlands in the shop window.
i have a few more to hang, but alas the scoundrel Mr Lurgy
has Our #3 in quite the vice like grip.
i have reclaimed him from school,
and am busy wearing my Florence Nightingale hat.
which i have noted is looking a little crumpled and tired of late...

she is beyond excited for tomorrow ~ Tif