Well, time is flying. It's the 3rd of spring already, although the weather today was anything but springlike. These pictures from last weekend are my proof that we are all starting to spread our wings, stretch in the sunshine and enjoy the lenghthening days.

See the little star flowers, all in a row... Eventually I want to spread this planting all along the driveway. And I will have some cerise pink hyacinths in there next year!

Here are some more earlicheer daffs in the lovely green gazunder (ooh I love that word). They smell so beautiful - I have the front door open and the scent blows in and perfumes all through the house.

More bulbs... I'd forgotten these little crocus were even there, until they peeped their little faces out. They are such fleeting sweeties - little blooms gone within a week.

And the patch of sunshine that is jonquils. Glowing with spring cheer even on a cloudy day.
Happy spring! How does your garden grow?