me and my grandpa joe ways...

in the past week i have felt a little like
grandpa joe from charlie and the chocolate factory.
i say "a little" and not "a lot"
for if i said "a lot" then it would mean i had whiskers a lot like grandpa joe
and even if the truth were that i do have whiskers to rival grandpa joe's,
i wish to remain in denial...

so that being said and all cleared up,
i must tell you that just as grandpa joe got out of his bed,
albeit a little achy,
did a little dance in his nightie and whiskers.
i got out of my shed,
albeit a little achy,
did a little dance,
no longer in pj's and without whiskers.
on returning to the shed each day i felt most peachy indeed.

so today i give you,
a week in the life of 'me and my grandpa joe' ways...

1: i went on an art trip to the zoo with our #1 in the pouring rain,
i was surrounded by eighteen year olds, something wasn't quite right.
i am supposed to still be eighteen, how on earth did i get to forty one so quickly...

2: i went to the thrift store and an estate sale.
i found a few little finds worth finding

and a granny chic cabinet that could not be left behind.
i had no justification for my purchase other than she spoke to me,
pleaded with me,
telling me how she needed to live at mossy shed.
i do believe i saw a lone tear at one point,
who was i too let the old dear down...
i have since been busy with my glossy white paint,
a pot of glue
and some vintage wallpaper.

the estate sale made me ponder,
thinking of the person's life laid out before strangers.

3: i beavered a little with Miss Ethel,
short little bursts of sewing, taking things easy...

i beavered under the influence of my swedish clogs.
Miss Ethel understood

4: i, along with my man started the long overdue, re-do of our bedroom.
i have waited over 2 years to get started,
it would appear mossy shed has waited over 30 years for me to find her and get started.
i was not able to participate in my usual frenzy of painting due to my CCSI,
so instead i made myself most useful by pointing out areas my man had missed with the roller.
it is an on going project,
but having got rid of the 30 year old carpet,
the past few nights are the first i have slept soundly with my allergies since arriving at the shed...

5. i noted that spoonfulzine issue 2 is now out...
my copy is winging it's way to moi as i tippity type.
it does look most lovely indeed and i'm rather excited to see how my bit of blurb turned out

6. the lovely Victoria kindly mentioned my dottie angel retreat...
six places have been filled by six dearies.
i am indeed most excited by this bit of news.
still room for more dearies to join in

7. and perhaps the bestest of besty thing to have happened over the past week.
after many weeks of neglect,
me and Mr Hook did indeed find time to renew our love affair...
no need for dorothy or dr hook this time.

just me and my Mr Hook,
sweet and oh so perfectly perfect.

she notes for the first time in weeks, the sun has come out to play ~ Tif