and the winner is...

dearest readers, i must tell the truth,
and the truth that must be told is this...
i had doubts.
yes, Mr Doubting ways were mine
i was quite convinced that most would not enter...
that indeed a request from moi for words of wisdom would not appeal.

but lordy, was i and Mr Doubter proved 'oh so wrong'.
over 400 times 'oh so wrong' infact.
i have spent many moments reading your quotes and philosophies.
many here upon my blog and many more in my inbox...
i have been uplifted and warmed by the words you choose to live by daily.
once again my eyes are opened up to the 'goodness' in others
and that is a lovely thing to see indeed.

how to pick a winner was tres worrisome to me.
my soul sister kindly offered me the solution to my conundrum
(can you tell that darren the dictionary has been over for tea)
who ever falls closes to the middle of the granny cushion
would be the worthy winner...

but then the rains came,
actually they came many days ago and have stayed to play.
this afternoon a small miracle appeared at mossy shed.
the clouds parted and for one small moment in time,
the rains stopped,
the sky went clear
and i rushed outside with my little cushion
whilst shouting up to our #3.

"now when i say go, go... not before and not after.
and just keep your fingers crossed the blogging giveaway gods are smiling on us"

no need for finger crossing however,
for one person did indeed find the center of the granny cushion

hurrah for Brierley Thorpe!
when Brierley appeared within my inbox i thought to myself
"Tif, there is a creative name if ever you saw one"
and it would appear i was not mistaken

for Brierley is
a playwright
a screenwriter
a face painter
a maker of lovely things
and now it would appear
Brierley is also a winner

here is what the lovely Brierley left as her quote

"each day i try to...
create something lovely
appreciate something lovely
and let my lovelies know i love them"

i thank you all so kindly for sharing your 'words of wisedom'
so we may go about our days
inspired by 'words full of goodness' that came this way over the past week

she will be back tomorrow with news of what she has been up to ~ Tif