Simple pleasures #7 - making new things from old. Okay, it's not always that simple a task, but the satisfaction is immense! Actually I also like making new things from new things, so maybe this should just be called making things? Anyway.

These cushions are my most recent example of new things from old. The barkcloth is vintage and the striped fabric is from a curtain. I crocheted the edging using crochet thread from Trade Me and lovely vintage buttons.

Here we are, it's not perfect but it was an experiment and I learned heaps! The back side was tidier so next time I'll do it the other way round. There are 2 more cushions to make fastenings for, so there will be a next time. Probably.

Hope you noticed my little planter. This former utensil holder from the Sallies now holds some hyacinth bulbs. Don't you love the strawberry design? Seriously cute.
Righto, that's it for my week of simple pleasures. Hope you enjoyed, and please feel free to share some of your simple pleasures. Life is all about making the world how you like it, right?