a typical monday...

whilst working on my little shop update this morning,
twiddling my thumbs,
humming a little tune,
inbetween photo uploads
a little voice kept talking to me.

i told the little voice i was terribly busy
but the little voice would not go away...

in the end i sat back in my desk chair,
and said
"all right little voice in my head,
just say what you have to say
then leave me alone"

"it is quite simple"
said the little voice
"your desk color looks all wrong with the rest of your studio, go on take a look"

i took a look
and now all i can think of is how my large over sized second hand
as peachy as it is,
is letting the side down in my studio...

she is telling you this from under her desk with paint brush in hand ~ Tif
footynote: with little olive as my trusty assistant