a spoonful of happy...

it feels like rainy day recess here in the shed.
after several days of sunny temps
we are now back to dull and wet.
i fear i match the weather.
dull, gray and feeling old as the hills...

but that will never do,
no sirree.
as we are stuck inside looking at the rain dribbling down the window
let us pass the time
with a visit to

perhaps you know of the lovely Anthea already,
then again perhaps not.
i stumbled across Anthea a few weeks back...
i wish i could recall how i did but i can't.
this very fact has me realizing i need to start keeping notes to cover where my tracks have been. that way i won't lie awake at night being bothered by my lack of recall.

Spoonful is a zine full of happy.
a little read, easily finished in a train ride,
small enough to carry in our pockets
with the ability to take us away from everyday cares
and our insanely busy lives.
upon my stumbling i felt a connection...
all that Anthea hopes for her little magazine
is exactly the hopes i have for my little blog.

a few weeks later Anthea appeared in my inbox

just as i had stumbled upon her,
she now stumbled upon me.
somehow it felt our paths were meant to cross...
i admire what Anthea is doing with her little zine
and was tres delighted she wished to have dottie angel amongst it's pages

as i tippity type Issue 2 is at the printers
just looking at the peachy cover makes me want to take a look inside...
i have no idea how my little bit of blurb will look,
but having seen first hand the loveliness of Issue 1
i am quite certain Anthea will have done a peachy job with my ramblings

and for those of you that wish to see first hand for yourselves,
Spoonfulzine can be found in various lovely stores including LARK
(another perfect place to browse when it's rainy day recess i'm thinking)
best of all though,
Spoonfulzine can be found on Etsy
so no matter what corner of the globe you nest in,
you can add a little bit of happy to your day for very little cost.

i wondering when Issue 2 turns up if i may indeed take a train ride
or perhaps a bus,
just so i may take out my little bit of Spoonful,
knowing as i sit amongst my fellow passengers
within my hands i have a little bit of happy
to get me through an insanely busy life

she is hoping the sun will come out tomorrow so we can go out and play ~ Tif