it is a bit like Wimbledon i feel today...
rain has stopped play,
i wish to continue on from yesterdays high hopes
but alas the rain will not allow,
for what is a post about a 'homemade handmade' frock
if it lacks pretty pictures.
for indeed we are all about the pictures are we not...
so for now all i can tell you is,
a small miracle happened within mossy shed yesterday.
with the help of Miss Ethel,
the 'homemade handmade' gods smiled down upon me
a dress was born
and yes,
glory and disbelief shone all around...
but for now,
between my 'high hopes' posts
i have none other than the fabulous,
Sir Cliff Richard
to entertain us whilst we wait out the rain.
which i think is terribly wonderful of him at such short notice.
so without further ado...
she will indeed be back, weather permitting, donned in her 'small miracle' tomorrow ~ Tif