a thrifted tale...

i tell you this tale today dearest readers,
so those amongst us that live with DOUBTERS
may take heart
and continue to stay strong
whilst 'a thrifting'.

for indeed life with a 'doubter of the secondhand kind' can be most inconvenient at times...
so if you are sitting comfortably,
have rather a lot of time on your hands to spare,
i shall begin.

once upon a time in a Mossy Shed surrounded by an acre of moss, lived Tif.
once again we find Tif to be an eclectic bohemian crafter of a uncertain age,
pottering about her usual friday morning, doing 'pottering must dos'.

after a bit of pottering Tif had to go out,
Tif rarely left the safety of her shed but some days it was necessary.
this time she required something to complete a crafty project
(more of that tomorrow)
on the way back from said place Tif passed her local thrift store.
she never went there on a friday for getting a parking spot was always most stressful and put paid to any enthusiasm for thrifting.
but for some reason she thought perhaps she'd just try her luck,
"no harm" she thought to herself
as she was passing it would seem silly not to try.
she visualized the space and voila! one appeared...

after a few minutes of pottering around the shelves thinking it all was rather 'crappity crap' and begining to doubt the space in the parking lot was karma,
Tif rounded the corner to the furniture aisle.
at that moment dearest readers,
Tif experienced her most peachiest thrift store find of all time...
for she knew her thrift store did not do mid century furniture,
other than perhaps the odd side table.
in fact for a long time she was suspicious that those out back who did the sorting, knew their stuff and never allowed any mid century lovely pieces to go out onto the shop floor.

but Tif learnt several lessons that day,
one of which,
miracles do happen
and the thrifty gods do bless those that shop secondhand.
she noted a chair,
looked a little closer,
felt a little weak,
checked around and saw its brothers
and that is when it happened
Tif knew she had in her hands something so sweet and beautiful it made her want to weep.
but Tif also knew she lived with a DOUBTER
and this DOUBTER was sending her doubting thought waves.
so Tif faltered from what was right and goodly,
from what the thrifty gods had laid out before her
she took only one chair to the cash till.
but then she hesitated
the gods on one shoulder, telling her
"Tif this is your moment, your most glorious thrift store moment of all time",
the DOUBTER on the other, telling her
"Tif, put it back, how many chairs can one family and one shed need for crying out loud"
Tif returned to the furniture aisle and tried to please both the Gods and her DOUBTER.
she decided to buy two.
hoping to silence the converstation going on in her head.

on returning to the shed,
$15 a piece.
she noted the label

she placed a bit of fabric over the iffy seat covers

she gasped,
then the fog lifted,
it all became clear.
the thrifty Gods had moved in mysterious ways,
opening up a parking space,
guiding Tif to a set of mid century chairs in all their glory,
at an incredible price
and she had let them down
she had been swayed by a DOUBTER...

Tif quickly emailed her soul sister in old blighty
confessing the sin.
her soul sister emailed her back immediately
telling her she was not to listen to the DOUBTER in her shed or her head
and get her arse back in the car and rescue the other chairs before it was too late.

after 45 minutes of fretting, thinking someone else would find the last two chairs before she got to them,
she was rewarded for returning to the righteous path the thrifty Gods had shown her.
a little while later,
armed with furniture polish,
four peachy chairs
some 'spring fling fabrics' she got to work....

later that evening
she was ready for the DOUBTER to return from work,
indeed the following day, Tif once again had to leave the shed to run some errands,
she left a gentle reminder for her DOUBTER to find upon his return from soccer.

so there would be no doubt in his mind,
Tif would never again,
wavier upon discovering mid century furniture at the thrift store...
for to have come most close to walking away from the set,
splitting them apart forever
would have been a 'thrift store sin of the utmost kind'

Tif is grateful the Gods blessed her twice that day,
allowed her to be influnenced by the DOUBTER who lives in her shed,
knowing that it was all part of their greater plan.
for they knew she had to falter,
to lose her way,
so they could prove to her
once and for all,
the secondhand path she tries to stay on,
day after day
is a
without a DOUBT

the end

she has 'high hopes' for summer apron wraps this week ~ Tif