i am positively beaming this morning,
beaming with pride,
not just for my high hopes frock
but for the very fact that i do believe i have readers of the utmost kind.
you are always so wonderful to me
and for that,
i am thanking you kindly...
today i wish to share a few magazines i have been fortunate to be involved with.
i have been most neglectful in telling you that CLOTH is now out on the book stands.
if you recall, i wrote a tutorial for issue 3...
well i received a copy of it in the mail just before Spring break and i think they did a marvelous job at figuring out my rambling tutorial.
i was most happy indeed with the results
if you are interested in purchasing a copy you can find details here
or you can do like my lovely mother did and tell them you wish to purchase the issue with dottie angel in it, because you are dottie angel's mother.
then again i'm thinking if we all ordered a copy saying we are dottie angel's mother, they may get a little suspicious and perhaps think some of us are lying.
so better perhaps say you are a dottie angel 'reader of the utmost kind' and i'm quite sure they will 'nod the nod' knowingly and send you a copy hoppity quick...
and as if that wasn't enough magazine excitement for one day,
a few days before New Year, i was contacted by the editor of Sublime magazine saying she had been given my name by the lovely Marga of chocolatecreative handmade textiles.
they were working on a craft feature for issue 19 and invited me to be involved...
the trickiest bit being, could i provide a photo of myself with my children.
now it is very rare for us all to be in front of the camera and even rarer for us to all look normal.
my man kindly volunteered to take a snapshot,
saying it really didn't matter too much as long as we were in one picture...
i gasped at the very thought of his photo,
imagining it in Sublime,
amongst all the other talented folks and feeling quite whoozy at the thought.
"no worries" i said "i'll think of something"
after a little pondering,
i decided to stitch a photo together...
all of us doing our best posing
i sent off my bit of blurb and photo,
still a little clueless as to what the article was about
and waited keeping my fingers crossed that i would fit in amongst their lovely pages.
several weeks later George contacted me
saying i had missed out one thing and that was my philosophy.
could i kindly send it pronto as they were going to print
"oh pants" i thought,
i had hoped they wouldn't notice as that bit had me stumped at the time.
for i don't ever think that deeply about what i do and what i am,
i'm just me doing my thing,
its just who i am...
i pondered George's request as i made our #4's sack lunch.
after 5 minutes at 7:15 am,
i had my philosophy.
it was quite simple,
and obvious now i think about it.
for indeed there is one thing i know to be true,
if i cannot craft and i cannot dream
then i cannot be my true self.
out of my apron pocket that morning i pulled my philosophy...
'if i go to sleep at night knowing i have visited my imagination, however fleeting it may have been, then i know i have used my day wisely'
she is wishing you a weekend of 'visiting your imagination' and will see you on monday ~ Tif
footynote: i am not even going there with the linky dink issues as obviously they are back to haunt me like before...
i don't know why it happens when i link to CLOTH,
but it does
and i'm not going to fret and spend hours trying to make it work for i know it will not.
so here is the website address of CLOTH magazine so you can find it
http://www.clothmagazine.co.uk/ with a bit of luck