whilst wearing red clogs i have noted several important telling signs...
1. suddenly, since my peachy friends appeared at mossy shed, i possess manic clog dancing skills. something i was unaware of owning until their arrival.
2. my cooking skills have gone up a notch or two.
i have graduated from producing orange colored meals, my speciality, to creating lovingly prepared plates piled with foods in various shades of red.
3. doesn't matter where i am, or what i am doing, if i look down my feet appear to be smiling. when wearing red clogs it would appear i have happy feet
4. if i need to run to the mail box, due to heavy rain, for i do not run otherwise.
i have noted in my clogs it takes twice as long for i fear a clog 'flung' in the air would not be good.
i would then have to hop over to find my 'flung clog' and i am thinking as i rarely run, how on earth would i be able to hop with one clog
5. it is now quite obvious upon getting dressed each morning that i have to bear in mind my clogs.
most days i think all is looking tres fine with my attire, until i catch a glance in the mirror half way down the stairs.
it is then that i note, i often appear to be dressed for a 4th of July parade.
6. i do not do red within Mossy Shed,
except when dabbling in the gleeful season, then i am all about the red.
i also do not craft in red.
and so it would appear my new/old little clippity clopping friends have put paid to that statement
(actually now i think about it i do have little bits of red lying around, but for the sake of drama within my everyday ramble lets pretend i don't)
7. i've said it before and i'll say it again
("oh Tif that's very daring of you" i hear you exclaim
"i know! that's what happens when wearing red clogs" i reply)
i do believe wearing red clogs when thrifting makes all the difference.
i clippity clop around the store with purpose and qualification.
fellow thrifters give me the nod,
the look of mutual respect
bought together by the sharing of a common goal
and not,
i tell myself,
the look of
"what is she wearing, have you ever seen such a ridiculously red pair of clogs".
since thrifting in my clogs i have found
a red thermos flask
a dress, not red but a dress!
lordy my first dress in five months, very summery and very white but none the less a dress,
a lovely white crocheted bedspread waiting to have her moment this summer.
proof indeedy, that my thrifting ways have gone up a notch since clogs have come my way...
she is thinking what possibly more, terribly exciting 'things of note' lie ahead for her and her little red clogs ~ Tif