little olive and her high hopes...

ever since little olive made the front page of Pedlars as dog of the week she has aspired to greater things.
apparently, she tells me, it has always been inside of her,
feeling the need to perform, even from a young age.
i was a little iffy to this piece of information so she encouraged me to look back over her photo album

upon perusal of her baby pictures i noted that yes indeed, she did appear to look rather sweet, but was 'sweet' enough for a cut throat industry, i asked her

she then told me she had been practicing her modelling shots with used dog for guidance.
she is thinking that catalogue modelling sounds a tres thrilling life...

upon critique of her shots, she has been informed her front legs are letting her down in an industry that values long limbs

she has not allowed that to dampen her spirits though,
continuing to have high hopes...
for now it appears that little olive is working on her portfolio, thinking her future lies in the film industry.
i am doing all i can to encourage her hopes although between you and me dearest readers, i'm not sure she would be any good living life on the road with her suitcase and blanket.
she likes the comforts of the shed a little too much...
but i haven't voiced this to her as it would seem a little unkind.
so far her portfolio consists of

despair and sadness

love and friendship

masked and heroic

pitiful and pathetic

serious and tough

tragic and Shakespearean

frightened and lonely

action and thriller

epic long winded novel turned into film thingy

horror and comedy

she is thinking little olive may be closer to the big time then she had thought ~ Tif