i don't do 'fiddly' along with gingham and purple.
that is fiddly 'little' things...
of course we have learnt dearest readers that i do indeed do gingham and purple
therefore it only stands to reason that i now do fiddly little things.
my work is all about the fiddly stuff,
piecing it together,
patching away,
until i am rather happy with the results
and that is fine and dandy,
for it is fiddly on a big scale.
but when that fiddly becomes 'itty bitty' fiddly
then i turn into a rather 'not nice' person.
i had no choice but to do some 'little' fiddling, for a bag of button making kits found me at the new thrift store on saturday,
they had potential to become such pretties that i succumbed, knowing as i handed over my pennies, i was on a rocky road to 'crossness'
yesterday i sat down,
armed with my scraps of fabric, vintage wallpaper and a cup of tea.
after a while it became obvious i needed something stronger than tea.
and so began a marathon in patience and time
this morning i continued along my road of 'fiddling with little itty bitty' pieces
but this time i was aided by a packet of cadburys mini eggs,
sent by my friend Debbie, for such emergencies as these.
having stepped back to view the end result i am most happy with how they look,
in fact i wish to keep them all to myself and never let them go
but alas i cannot do that, for they are destined for my shop window this Thursday
along with some 'just say it like it is' everyday card sets
and other goodies which i shall bring you tomorrow.
yes, it would be quite true to say, this week i am all about my shop update,
but my heart is all about the 'purple and gingham' that sits beside me as i stitch with Miss Ethel...
i tell the purple and gingham, to have a little patience, something i am lacking in with my 'fiddly little issues',
for next week
her time will come...
she is off to fiddle a little bit more and then she will announce "enough, she will fiddle no more" ~ Tif