me and my glue sticking ways...

before i got sidetracked by
i had planned to bring you the thrilling adventures of moi and my glue stick.
ah yes, dearest readers i am in love with a glue stick and if you are sitting comfortably then i shall begin...

last week when i was looking for my 'lost groove' amongst the shelves of despair,
i rounded the corner from towels to furniture and blocking the aisle was a little table.
the little table spoke to me.
she told me of a time when she had been loved,
but alas was now forgotten.
she also informed me that she was a solid little table made of oak, no less.
(i'm not sure about the oak bit, but i didn't want to hurt her feelings on the matter so i just nodded, knowingly)
after she had finished her little 'please, please help me' speel,
i got down on my knees and looked at her under bits, shifted her around to see if all her legs were level and matching.
i then told her,
yes indeed she was a sturdy little table but it would appear i had no need for her solid ways and promptly pushed her back under the shelf, tucked out the way so i could get past.

now before you 'gasp!' and hang your heads, saddened to think the Tif you read about today is not the Tif you know so well. in my defense we must remember i had lost my groove at this point, i was drifting without direction, i was unable to give a little table the love she deserved and yes, i will admit it, i was heartless and cold.

on my return to the Shed, the little table haunted me,
she knew that i knew she had potential, a thing i respect.
she knew that i knew, she had shuffled out into the aisle purposefully to find me.
she knew that i knew, i needed her even though i didn't know it at the time.

("blimey Tif, this is another epic tale" i hear you exclaim
"i know and i haven't even got to the glue stick bit yet, so perhaps you may care to take your pea soup off the boil and come back, for you are in for a long haul" i kindly suggest)

i was left with no option.
i needed to go back,
i needed to find the little solid table,
i needed to beg her forgiveness
i needed to bring her home to Mossy Shed...

all the members of my clan had an opinion on the little table that stood in my studio waiting for her moment to shine.
i'm pleased to report, most were favorable.
they appreciated her solid ways and marveled at how one doesn't find a little oak table everyday at the thriftstore of such delicate proportions.
(ah yes, i feel i have brought them up well)
it was the oldest member of the Shed who let me down, his eyes alighting upon her, exclaiming "oh no Tif, not more crap! i can't move for crap these days. please why?"
i chose to ignore him, which i think in these circumstances is the best way to go. after all he does not possess what we do... alas he was not granted the 'gift of vision' when it comes to thrifty finds, bestowed upon us by the thrifty gods. yes we are the choosen ones and we must be kind to the folks in our lives without 'gifts' such as ours.

after four coats of glossy soft white paint, showing off her lovely little feet and underskirt, she appeared to need something else.

she needed something pretty on top.
i knew what i wished it to be, i wished it to be the most loveliest of vintage wallpapers but alas my stash is rather lacking, and no piece was large enough.
i pondered,
i procrastinated
and then
i had an epiphany
why yes indeedy, the very thing i needed was lurking in my drawers.
(ha! do you like that line, me too!)
armed with nothing more than a glue stick
(actually two, as one was rather low, so i had to rustle around in a few other drawers to locate another to finish the job)
origami paper
and a pencil
i got to work.

the edges were a little tricky, and they are certainly not perfect

but at the end of the day after much patience and a coat of varnish, my little table is looking rather lovely.

she has become a much needed extra surface for myself and Miss Ethel, fitting in quite nicely indeed.

now i'm not saying that a glue stick and origami paper is perhaps the most robust of surfaces, but in the case of my little table, where she will be gently used and cared for by myself, allowing no other clan member to treat her harshly, i'm thinking she has a long life ahead of her, being the solid little number made of oak, that she is...

she is thinking if only she could do the same with a thrift store dress she would be onto a winner ~ Tif