The garden is in full swing. Here is the harvest from a couple of nights ago - cucumber, zucchini, broccoli, baby carrots, tomatoes (Black Krim and Arctic) and leeks (though they look like spring onions). I made this into a delicious vege curry just with a Pataks Korma Curry flavour sachet and a bit of cream. Too easy!

I also had a terrible accident with the blueberries. While getting the hose out to do the nightly watering, I flicked it and it brushed against one of the blueberry bushes, breaking the branch right off. Given that this branch holds about two thirds of the harvest and they've been slowly ripening since September, I'm a bit devastated.

I quickly put the branch in water, in the slight hope that it will strike roots. I've tried this before though with no luck, so I really think it will be destined for the compost heap.
At least it looks pretty in the meantime.