little olive is now almost nine months old, she is in full teenage mode. part of her teenage 'testing ways' is to eat as much 'crappity crap' as possible.
i have spoken to her about the long time effects on her health and how if she wishes to live a long life she should consider what she is putting inside of her body at a young age.
little olive has not heeded my wise words, she mentions i have had a staple diet of chocolate spread on toast for near on four decades, that i am a fine one to talk and she will continue to supplement the very nice dried protein kibblely stuff i give her twice a day, with 'crappity crap'...
on any given day of the week, little olive's diet consists of the following 'crappity crap'
tennis balls (the whole thing, later to be vomited up)
sheep skin rugs
flokati rug (tell tale signs are often found in the form of a beard upon her little nose)
sofa inners
any button attached to any cushion
oven mitts
socks and undies
fir cones (several a day)
chicken poo (seen as little sweet treats left souly for her around the yard)
inner souls of boyfriend's shoes (not my boyfriend, for he does not leave tell tale signs around the shed, no, this would be boyfriend belonging to our #1)
pillow cases
labels (especially ones belonging to my mid century furniture claiming their authenticity, which sadly now no long appear authentic)
and last but not least
wicker dog baskets (causing her an old man's smoking cough in the mornings)
the latter has become such an addiction, regardless of 'nice friendly, please leave it alone' spray, or the 'bugger off and chew something else cause you are driving me nuts' spray.
for it does not matter to little olive, she has exotic taste buds that do not fear a little bitterness...
and so i pondered what could little olive live in now that her basket was rather lacking in sides.
a wooden drawer i thought,
after a little rustling around i found one and promptly made it all cozy
little olive promptly started to chew the corners
this was not acceptable behavior for i liked the drawer and it's nicely painted sides.
and then it dawned on me,
how perfectly lovely it would be to have a little dog that lives in a vintage suitcase.
for i could forgive all her 'wayward' moments of addiction if she would sleep in a suitcase...
the suitcase i unearthed from upstairs, came ready decoupaged due to a moment of madness i had several years back,
complete with crocheted handle.
my man on returning from his 'desk job', was terribly thrilled to fashion a rather nice wooden block around the back so there was no fear of little olive being closed in,
which would never do, even on days when i've reached the end of my tether and the temptation may overcome me...
and then because we are in 'spring fling' at mossy shed, her little crocheted garland has been retired only to be replaced by a rather 'springy' name tag
less she forgets she resides in a suitcase...
she has been busy moving in
and finding it quite to her liking

the metal sides have held up well to her obsessive licking and so i am thinking i can forgive her dietary addictions for she has warmed my heart through and through,
by happily living in a suitcase under the kitchen island
she is wishing you a 'hippity hoppity', ney 'spickity span', ney 'perfectly peachy' weekend ~ Tif