little olive and yet more crocheted goodness...

"guess what i'm making?" i asked our #2, offering up a little rectangle of crocheted goodness.
"ummm, is it a scarf?"
"nope, try again"
"i don't have time for this mom, just tell me, okay"
"i'm making a little crocheted garland for olive to hang above her basket. so if she gets lost in mossy shed, she can find her way back..."

no sooner had the words left my mouth then she 'swung round' to face me...
"OMG!!!! NNNNOOOOO, you can't"
"why?" i ventured (already knowing why)
"because you will turn into an old (said with glee) mad, dog woman if you do, that's why"
"NO, NO, NO"
"i just thought..."
"well don't mom, it's just wrong"
and do you think that i listened?

she is wishing you a lovely weekend filled with thrifty handcrafted moments ~ Tif