a 'blankie' of the utmost kind...

spurred on by seeing all the lovely 'crocheted goodness' from the past few weeks, and feeling pretty confident from mastering granny squares whilst visiting old blighty over the summer,
i delved right into chevron.
of course i did this without studying any instructions.

of course i felt it was just a matter of adding a few stitches and taking some away in other places.
and of course it went horribly wrong.

but i did not stop, for i was in love with the blankie i was crocheting for little olive.
for the first time ever i had the colors just perfectly so,
and i was not willing to undo it for anyone or any dog.
to finish off my interestingly made chevron blankie i added a doily.

i felt this might help show to any passing stranger who happened upon my little blankie that "yes" infact my irregular shape was intentional and rather 'tres chic' in many ways. and so disguise the truth about me and my lazy 'pattern' reading ways...

i love my little blankie so much, i have selfish thoughts of keeping it all to myself.

after all little olive has four already and quite honestly, although she is quite the 'crochet connoisseur' i'm not sure she will appreciate my 'chevron' efforts enough to be worthy of such a beautiful creation.

in the meantime i have set to work on another one but without the wiggles and whilst doing so, i have been having thoughts of when i am a granny. thinking of all the lovely baby blankets i will beable to bestow upon my grandchildren and their 'oh so lucky' parents...

she is off to save 'squirrel nutkin' from losing her tail and will see you on thursday for another 'sponge bob' thrifting tale ~ Tif