Spring is here, even if it's been a little slow to show it round my place! A lot of my bulbs have turned out to be in rather shady places so are taking a bit longer to flower than I would like. But this weekend I had the first daffodil - it's a miniature called Sundisc. I also have blooms on the camellia and one of the iceland poppies has decided to open. I can't wait for more of them to burst open, although I do love the funny little buds.

I couldn't hold back any longer so I cleared the table in my art room and got out my seed raising mix. This table gets full sun all day so it should be ideal for raising seedlings. So far I've sown onions, Black Krim tomatoes, marigolds, nasturtiums, and a cottage garden mix. Plenty more to come!

This is my seedling potter. You just get a strip of newspaper, wrap it around the barrel, fold the ends over and twist it in the base. Then you have a little pot made of newspaper that will break down quickly once it's put in soil - no disturbing the roots! I had started saving toilet paper rolls to use this way, but this is a lot better. You can get them from
The Company Shed.

I've also started digging over the garden and adding compost. This is the first time I've done this and it's pretty exciting - especially since I'm using my own compost! The compost looks and smells like dirt (at least until I added sheep pellets) so I'm assuming I did it right!

After that, I laid out bricks to see how a brick path through the potager would look. It looks awesome! Then I ran out of bricks. Hopefully I can get some more bricks soon, because I'm really feeling the itch to dig, plot, plan and organise the space.