a shelf of many coats...

please excuse my absence yesterday, i was having an 'unbalanced' day but i'm here now and with news of little olive feeling much 'bonnier' than before.
she is turning out to be just the most loveliest of dogs and seems to be perfectly content with life at mossy shed.

she's spends most of her time out and about in the yard with used dog and the chickens, all one big happy family... on the chicken front there have been several morning 'mayhems' in the coop, due to 'big bertha' wishing to be known as 'big bert'.
i have tried to explain to her that it really isn't the right thing to insist on, but so far she has not heeded my wise words and continues to be most vocal...

this week is my first week since school got out where i have had a few hours to myself, thanks to the wonder of 'summer soccer' camp and my two eldest being involved with something up at the high school.
i could be using my time cleaning toilets
or washing clothes,
or preparing an evening meal ahead of time
or changing beds,
or vacuuming up used dog's hair
or other such delights that fills one's week so nicely...
but no dear readers, i did not squander my precious few hours on such 'nonsense'. instead i took those golden moments and spent them wisely with my long neglected 'miss ethel' who has waited patiently for my attentions, all the time gathering dust...

we did what we like to do best, we made a curtain... i don't know what it is about window panels and such, but i really like making them. of course there are only so many windows in our shed that i can bequeath my 'crafted recycled' beauties upon.

certain members of my clan draw the line at having such 'frills' festooned across their glass... and so i always fall back to my faithful studio bookcase when i need to get my 'crafting fix of draperies'...

this time i used some beautiful crocheted rings my friend sent from her local market in denmark...

and so once again our furniture is doing 'a little dance', due to the arrival of 'miss olive' and her need to 'lick' anything remotely 'nice looking' in the way of midcentury legs

she is building up to a 'granny chic' festival of celebration any day now ~ Tif