i have seen my future...
("what crazy talk is this Tif, has the heat finally fried your last ounce of sanity?" i hear you gasp)
this is no crazy talk dear readers, no sirree... it's the truth, however deranged i appear to be looking in my 'slick stuck to my head' suzi quatro hairstyle and old cotton slip, going 'as is' underneath and having a 'hand fan' as my best friend...
in the past few days i have had a taste of my menopausal future and i don't care for it one bit.
i've accepted my sagging bottom,
come to terms with my pesky gray roots
and convinced myself the crows feet around my eyes are laughter lines...
(actually that is all a pack of 'fibs', but for the sake of me adding drama to my ramblings i must 'bend the truth' at this point, i knew you would understand. but not, i must add at the 'menopausal point' above... no, that is the truth. cross my heart...)
as the outside temps reach over a 100 and inside the shed is close behind with a 'faint' inducing 90+... i have now been given a taste of the 'could fry an egg on my back at night' situation that presents it's self in menopause...
and so today, as 'they' claim it will be even hotter...
i fear for used dog living with a coat of 'black and fur', trying to stay warm with her 'super hero wet cloak' towel and a bulldog clip,
i fear for my feathered friends who are beginning to have an insight to their cousins lives, the rotisserie chickens,
i fear for 'noodle and doodle' the two mieces, in their glass walled home of 'stink' in our #4's room.
but most of all, even more than fearing for my menopausal future,
i fear for my children having to ride out the heatwave with a mother perspiring like she's never perspired before and making sure everyone in the vicinity of the shed, shares her suffering...
she is off tomorrow, travelling north to bring little olive 'home'... and hoping the air conditioning in the car remembers it's supposed to be working ~ Tif
footynote: just a quick 'thanking you kindly'... i truly appreciate your lovely words of support for my 'exhibit moment' of late. it has warmed my heart... actually my heart was already warm due to extreme heat conditions and really didn't require anymore warming but i think you get the gist of what i mean :)