it has been a grand week for thrifty finds of the 'utmost kind'...
although i must confess i have a problem when looking for 'where have you been all my life' items whilst traveling in another country. i keep seeing lovely 'things' that have my name written all over them but of course i am hindered by the reality of a 'suitcase' and what will and won't be squeezed in...
so far i have had to accept my dream boat that lives by my imaginary beach house will not be mine for many a year. if it was not a 'pie in the sky' thought, i would have it shipped back to Mossy Shed where i am quite certain it would add some 'curb appeal' alongside of our Gladys.
i have also had to turn my back on the most 'loveliest of lovelies' wicker chair. it was lurking in the corner of an antiques mall. i didn't get a pic but it's enough for me to tell you it had a 'tulip' shaped base and an 'egg' shaped top half for pulses to start racing... as i 'tippity tap' about it, i am overcome with emotion as to think it will belong to another one day.
but do not fear for me dear readers, nor lay awake at night fretting that Tif has not got her 'thrifty frills' on her visit from across the pond. for i have scored on many an occasion these past eight days to the point of having to sit upon my suitcase, and wondering what i can start to stuff inside the children's bags...
i have found knitting needles galore, single and double pointed.
three lovely pitchers, quite chipped and crazed (sounds familiar) but none the less, they still have star quality. i wasn't planning on buying the three but they came as a set and so, fancy that, i was forced to take all three.
a little natty basket of the perfect shape... now being used to haul my growing wonky granny blanket around in. i do have plans to change it to another color but whether i will ever pluck up the courage to do so is another thing...
and some 'spiffy' books from the early 1950's, with the most wonderful jackets.
a green vase with a cross stitched pattern on the side, which i see, looking most 'dashing' upon the kitchen windowsill with peonies to compliment it's beauty...
and last but not least, a hefty stash of linens and more linens, not all revealed here. some in good condition and others not so... of which i plan to help 'revive' in the future so they may be enjoyed again by others.
before i sign off, i must just apologize to my Godson for being rubbish at jumping off a bench. when my friend Debbie showed him the pic of 'me and my boys' leaping from the bench on my last postcard he exclaimed "mummy, the boys are jumping, but Tif's not... she just kind of falling off" and quite right he is too. i have reached that age when jumping off a bench is no longer seen as 'wise' but more as a 'risk' to one's health... i promise to try better next time...
'till then she is wishing you sunshine were ever you are and postcard #4 will be on your doorsteps by Tuesday next week ~ Tif