me, Miss Ethel and Jim...

Miss Ethel and i were spending quality time together yesterday when the phone rang.
"er, yes... hello, this is Jim here"
my little heart quickened... here was a man who had something i wanted and i wanted it badly.
"i've got the parts for your dishwasher, can i come by now?"...
"oh yes!" i gushed.

Miss Ethel and i resumed our 'quality time spending' for a further three minutes before the phone rang again.
"er, yes... Jim here again, it would appear the parts aren't the right ones, so i won't be out to you until the end of next week."
and then i heard myself gushing again, saying things like "oh thank you so much, that's great... don't you worry about it" ha ha ha "just call me when they come in".

why, oh why would i say that, when inside of me i wanted to scream,
"hey Jim, the honeymoon period is over, the vacation time is done... i want my machine back, you can forget the Waltons and all that stuff. no one is playing fair in my house. Jim Bob and Elizabeth helped their mother... for crying out loud, i'm going nuts here"
but i didn't, i did the proper thing and thanked him kindly for getting my hopes up and then squidging them into the ground.

nothing to do but to locate my 'rose colored spectacles' and go outside to work on my 'dottie angel' installed washing line for up and coming 'event'
(and no i haven't changed my name to Don, you have to do a little bit of scrolling and right at the very bottom you will find little old me.)

after which i came back inside and reacquainted myself with Miss Ethel ignoring all the piles of dishes on the side...
together we have made two slips, two apron wraps and a bag for my little shop, which i will list tomorrow.
i wish to keep one of the slips and one of the wraps for myself.
this is against the rules. i have special rules that must not be broken... i never set about making something for the shop and then keep it for myself. that's against my code (what code i don't know, but once again i have this thing in my head that i must adhere to).
now i have been thrown into a 'to do' by my 'wanting' of these things...

but there it is, i have an apron wrap on my studio table with my name stamped all over it and yet i can not have it.
as to the slips... whilst pondering yesterday (some may say procrastinating, but i like the word pondering today), i figured out a way to customize some half slips with side slits, just a bit of trickery and they become pretty skirts for any event, be it a ball, a wedding, washing up loads of darn dishes, feeding the chickens or leaving one's daydream cottage and heading down to the beach...

i am most happy and i feel dottie would approve nicely, which of course we all know that's what it's about in the end.

she is wishing you a 'peachy' weekend and will see you on monday ~ Tif