it ain't what you do...

i am trying very hard to stay focused as i have a lot to achieve in the remaining eight and a half days before school adjourns for the summer...

i think a lot of my 'distraction' is to do with lack of dish washing facilities at the shed, until i had a dishwasher (after our #2 was born) i believed it to be a 'luxury' item... ha! to that.
now having been in a close relationship with them for over 14 years, i now know it is not a 'luxury' but a 'necessity' for my sanity.
our dishwasher of 18 months became ill a few weeks back when his lights stopped working, no problem i just pressed 'willy nilly' and he still carried on his duties. until that is, last thursday when he became super sick resulting in a 'breakdown'.
according to my dishwasher maintenance man who came this morning, it will be another week before they can get the parts to 'operate'.

now some of you may think that's okay, Tif has a whole shed full of 'willing' helpers to wash up, but strangely it doesn't seem to be working that way. as far as i can see, having extra bodies is a hindrance to my kitchen staying clean and tidy. more bodies creates more mess, which in turn creates more washing up.
we are down to 'one glass' per person per day and the same goes for plates as well...
but let us not focus on dreary chores but on what Tif is up to next...

so if you are ready, i will begin...

a few weeks back my lovely british friend Anna mentioned she was doing an exhibition in Seattle during the summer... "oooh" says i. "can i help you with anything, like serving drinks on your 'meet the artist' day?"
next thing i know, i'm not just helping her but doing a 'two man' show with her...
how this happened i still don't know, but there it is.
for part of july and august i will be doing an installation ("that sounds grand")... i call it that for want of a better word.
my little space in this lovely gallery will take on the 'ramblings of dottie angel'

it will feature tear outs from my blog, rambling across the walls... mixed up with doilies and what nots, finishing in a corner that is dottie's lounge alongside a 'washing line' of wares.

for a little peek at the ramlings you can visit my newly spruced up website ("hallelujah!" i hear you cry)... for many a year it has been a 'thorn in my side', a 'blot on the cyber landscape' i have tried to pretend does not belong to me. after a lot of 'huffing and puffing' i have managed to turn it into a place that is heading in the right direction. you can also see a few of them over here...

my studio wall is now covered in the ramblings.
i have to say on visiting my archives to retrieve the information i really was aghast at my ability to 'tell a tale' for as long as i have...
all along i had known i would like to do something with my ramblings but hadn't quite figured out how. but with the art show upon me and my besty friend Debbie bouncing ideas to and fro with me, i have found the answer...
i hope this is just the beginning.

my new motto is...
"it ain't what you do, but the way that you do it"
courtesy of the fabulous bananarama and fun boy three.

and she is hoping that's the truth ~ Tif