thrifty thursdays...

we will not focus today on the fact that little eva and orla (my only two speckled sussex chicks) have been pretending to be girls all along...i know this to be true because i burnt the midnight oil trying to find out information that might tell me otherwise...but alas it would appear that at least two of my eight chickie peas are not going to be 'a laying' any eggs. this morning i have discovered that not only are they fond of Elvis but also David Bowie, it was a bitter sweet moment.
we will also not focus on the fact i am fearing for Gladys...thank goodness the rains have stopped, i had visions of her slowly sliding towards the mini lake in our yard and just sailing on down the hill. i half wondered this morning if Maggi my neighbor would wake to find Gladys in her front yard...

so let us find some more uplifting thoughts to focus on and what better than thrifty thursday... i have a list as long as my arm. it would appear i have gone thrifty nuts this week but really i haven't, okay well perhaps i have.
before i begin, can i just tell you that it is the most dangerous thing to discover that one can thrift from one's desk. over the past few weeks i have noted that Etsy is a haven of lovely vintage thrifty finds, if one can't get out and about when being florence nightingale then just peruse the aisles of vintage on Etsy to keep you sane.

so if you are sitting comfortably then i shall begin...

1. a sweet little ceramic deer holder thingy-me-bob from etsy seller karapegg
it caught my eye when i was reading the blog over at papernstitch (worth a read, and the shops featured are just lovely). i never ever have found a ceramic at my thrift store more than two years old, it is complete 'pants' in the ceramic that being said i am most happy to find one on Etsy.

i am waiting for inspiration to hit and figure out what to do with the container bit at the back, i would buy a wee plant to put in it, (this is where my dad will have taken a sharp intake of breath and feared for all little greeneries waiting to be bought near me) but alas i am rubbish at keeping house plants alive. i pride myself on keeping my four children, one man and countless little critters alive, so i forgive myself not being able to maintain a potted plant...

2. pillowcases and napkins for 'summer apron wraps' favorite thing. i managed to get started yesterday on some more...

3. a retro tablecloth in the color of _ _ _ _ _ . i am not going to say it for i do not want to put any one off buying my wares. this lovely dogwood table cloth is destined to be made into cushion covers.

4. a lovely pair of retro yellow curtains in minty fresh condition... which i will put in my little vivant store, but of course all in good time.

5. two sweet pictures... i know what you are thinking, Tif has gone off on one, but do not worry yourself laying awake at night thinking i have got it "oh so wrong". no dear readers i intend to butcher the pictures and just use the frames (that does sound rather aggressive, i fear my martial art ways are getting out of control). i shall paint them a lovely glossy color and then figure out what delight to frame with in their beauty.

6. a tissue box... not just any old tissue box but a kitschy, hang it on the wall kind of tissue box in the most perfect granny pink. having reached the adult world at 40 i have discovered apart from things heading southward at an alarming rate, my nose has started to drip (too much info, i know) and i think it rather lovely if one has to deal with a 'drip' to have tissues at hand... usually i just have a toilet roll sitting around. but no, i am all grown up now with a tissue box that i shall attach to the wall so any passers-by, upon being invited in, may admire my tissue box and exclaim "how lovely and sophisticated to have a plastic kitschy tissue box holder upon your wall".

she's off to get busy with the laundry, ahhh the joys of being a homemaker ~ Tif