my little heart has been warmed ten times over by the kindness you have shown me, not just here but over at rearrange design and decor8. to know that you have taken the time to post a comment of such 'loveliness' about me really is quite extraordinary and i feel most humble today...
coming back down to earth, our #3 has been home three days now with another cold bug thing (don't think it, and don't even say it).
yesterday i volunteered to repaint his closet doors to cheer him up... i could tell that although he had never voiced it, he was very much bothered by the clashing of his green doors and the orla kiely wallpaper on the wall outside his room. (and if you believe that my dearest readers then i fear you will believe anything).
so while he lay around feeling most sorry for himself (and so he should, having only just got over the flu, four weeks ago) his mother set to work on transforming the 'bright green' to a more subdued 'sludgy charteusey' kind of green.
when i had finished and he chose to inspect it there was silence and then in a hesitant way as not to offend, he pointed out that it did not appear green at all, and more a sludgy browny yucky yellow kind of color...
"aaah," said i "i believe you are describing the color of vomit, dearest child?"
"yes, that is exactly what i was trying to say, but just couldn't quite find the right word."
i then proceeded to let him know that he may not thank me today, tomorrow, or the week after, or perhaps even in a year or more.
but some day in years to come when he is all grown up and my footprints no longer tread this earth, one day he will stop and remember the day his mum painted his closet doors vomit color to match her wallpaper and he will thank me for giving him such a memory to stay with him forever...
of course he is not convinced, even though i said in my 'wisest toned voice' i could muster,
"it will happen, mark my words"
i give it one week and the doors will be covered in his drawings, pinned up to disguise the queeziness of it all.
it is raining cats and dogs here at the mo, once again we are feeling like noah's ark and i am having trouble keeping the eight chickie peas entertained in the garage. i have discovered as one is apt to do when dealing with chickens that they do care about the type of music they listen to... they do not care for my buddha music, that is quite obvious. and of course i know they like radio 2 unless it goes into some nighttime show with classical music.
but they do have a favorite band and every time i pop the cd on for them, they chirp away with such is the one and only ABBA. dancing queen starts up and it's just like an early 80's disco going's most contagious, before i know it, they are dancing, i'm dancing...used dog is dancing and licking her lips and i close my eyes and yes, for one minute i could be meryl streep on mamma mia surrounded by those drop dead gorgeous linens hanging on the line and a view that takes your breathe away...
she is off to sort the chickie peas and then get crafty with miss ethel ~ Tif
footy note: whilest cleaning out my chickies, elvis came on the radio and it was mass hysteria, not unlike one of his concerts in the 70's...i'm such a proud mother hen of my chickies and their musical tastes ;)