ramble not, Tif...

there will be no ramblings here today...but before you hang your little heads and weep, (did i hear someone in the back row shout "hurrah"?)
i have to tell you why i'm not a 'rambling' ("oh really Tif, do you have to?")....
because i am a 'rambling' over here instead...
where i have surpassed myself with a whole load of rambling.

before my man went to work i made him sit down and read my interview...afterwards he told me everything would alright and that i only sounded like half a 'twit' and not a complete 'twit'.
nothing new there then, so i can breathe a sigh of relief.

so i must just say a thank you to my girls that took it upon themselves to edit their mother's answers (thank goodness) before she pressed the send button
and to the lovely Ana who so kindly thought me worthy of her house touring blog.

she's off to make our #2 feel super special on the day she turns sweet sixteen...sigh ~ Tif