doily picture thingy~me~bob...

i have had a wee embroidered pesky squirrel sitting on my sewing table for several weeks now.
when i found the little doily place mat at an antique place i knew exactly what i wanted to do with it, i just had to figure how to do it...

yesterday, whilst struggling to focus on the bags, a little bolt of inspiration hit me with regards to the wee squirrel.

so with the help of trusty Miss Ethel and a piece of cardboard, i have created a doily picture thingy~me~bob...

who tomorrow will be placed in the window of my little store, but not before i have actually worked out what to call it. any bright suggestions of wisdom here would be appreciated. i fear my little inspirational brain cells are mute this week and as i have another two i would also like to put along side this wee pesky squirrel, i really need all the help i can get...

she's got to get out of the shed... oh, well fancy that, it's thrifting day ~ Tif
footy note: having just been out to feed the chickens, i have come over all hot and clammy (and not in a good way i can assure you) so i shall forgo my thrifting ways (shock, horror) and stay home with used dog and a cup of tea instead...