's the start of a regular feature on my little 'space'.
thrifty thursdays is where i will show you the evidence of my thrifting from the night before.
i am thinking this might be quite interesting because quite often as i wander the aisles of my local thrift store i glance at other carts (i am quite sure we all do that and then wishing we hadn't if we see something we really wanted for ourselves). more often than not i am thinking "oooh, well they must be an ebay seller" or "ummm, are you quite sure you want that" and in turn they gaze upon my little 'haul' and are quite possibly thinking "what a load of old crap" but of course i like to think they are admiring looks with a hint of envy
anyhow we will soon i show you my haul from week to week, you can judge for yourselves dear readers.
there are two lines that come to mind
"oh Tif, that's just totally grand, what a steal"
"oh Tif, that's total tat, what were you thinking"
so i shall leave it up to you, my discerning readers...

2. a patchwork quilt not unlike ones in japanese craft magazines, that quite honestly made my heart skip a beat
4. a head scarf from Liberty's of London...enough said

i am thinking it might be interesting to film a 'thrifting' excursion and pop it on YouTube...our #1 and our #2 however are thinking NOT, as our #1 commented to my 'brain storm' of an idea late last night
"oh no mum you can't do that, you'll end up getting loads of hits but not for the right reasons, you'll be one of those YouTube people that are ridiculed"
and then our #2 added "and of course do you really want the world to see the 'real you' in your bi-focals"
she's thinking it over, whilst you decide if it's a load of 'tat' or 'treasure' ~ Tif