Opening night, and a giveaway

Last night was Opening Night, and I have four quick photos for you.

People arrived, and wine was drunk.

Exhibits were admired.

Beautiful dresses and soft-toned paintings whispered to each other.

Skulls and spikes and sculptures abounded.

More and better photos will be online at the Gothic Punk website in a couple of days. In the meantime, would you like to enter a giveaway competition? Go on then! Just leave a comment on this post, and I'll put all names in the draw to win an 8 x 10 print of any one of the she loves paintings (pictured below). Make sure to leave your email address if you don't have a Blogger account. In honour of the show, this giveaway will be open until December 13. I'll announce the winner on Sunday December 14. Anyone from anywhere is welcome to enter!