I was having another play with
fd's flickr toys and came up with this image. I liked it so much I thought it would make a good title for this post. Fragments of crochet - bits and pieces, some finished, most not, lying around in odd locations to be stumbled upon when you least expect it. "Oh - there are those flowers I was making - better finish those!"

Bits and pieces from crochet, jewellery making etc.

Here's something I did finish - the Boy Beanie from Stitch N Bitch: The Happy Hooker. It took several attempts to get it to fit Jon's head though - much more time than you would think a simple beanie would take!

Here are the Skeleton Bride and Groom! They are an amalgamation of a couple of the patterns from Creepy Cute Crochet. The bride is the Skeleton Bride and the groom is the Day of the Dead Fellow - although mine looks more like a pimp! Perhaps it's the hat - it was meant to be a top hat, but came out rather gangsta-ish...! Perhaps I should just put some gold chains on him and finish it off.

And this skullie is a pattern from Flickr member
Towe My. I want to make another and put rhinestone eyes on it!
I'm also working on another
she loves painting. It's slow going this time. But maybe I'll have it finished for the next post... fingers crossed!