Last weekend was the third wet one in a row, and came complete with rain, sleet and then snow. There was only one thing to do - curl up on the couch with a blankie, a pile of new books and some crochet.

Eat, sleep, work, brains! This is Corporate Zombie from Creepy Cute Crochet by Christen Haden.
The snow was gone by Sunday and we could leave the house, so we went for a trip to the garden centre. I ogled some dwarf peach trees and wondered if I could find room to squeeze them in somewhere. Conclusion: I probably can, so I might pop out again next weekend, weather permitting of course!

These are some embroideries I found at the Salvation Army shop. I wish I had time to make lots of pretties like this. One of my other new books is Doodle Stitching by Aimee Ray, so I'm hoping to get back into that soon! Regarding the tiny dolls house firescreen: I realised quite quickly that I would actually go blind if I kept on at that, so I've ordered a magnifying lens. Naturally it's on back order, so I've no idea when it will arrive.
Well, that's about it. As I've said before, wet weekends feel interminable but suddenly they're gone and you've got nothing done. There's something motivating about sunshine. Cross your fingers for next weekend!