This is a corner of the hothouse at the Christchurch Botanical Gardens. I wish I had a similar nook in my own house! Although the humidity of this building is really not something to be desired.

Up the stairs to the second storey, and look at that atrium ceiling! Look at the pink bouganvillea.

All around were samples of exotic, unusual and just plain weird plants.

Vibrant colours abounded.

Pretty leaves and contrasting textures were all around.

Here's a steamy photo of some Purple Bells. They were growing round a circular arch which you can see in the very first photo, and cascading from baskets hung from the ceiling, similar to the pink bouganvillea in the second photo.

My Purple Bells at home have quite a bit of growing to do to catch up to their cousins!
These are only a few of the photos I took... more can be found at my
Flickr page.
Caren also has some photos