Crocheted in chenille yarn, in retrospect it's probably not the best fibre to use being quite bulky (and not stretching at all), but at the time it was the best range of colours I could find.

All the patterns are from Jan Eaton's book, 200 Crochet Blocks for blankets, throws and afghans.
All I have to do is sew the squares together, 4 to a side, make sure both sides are the same size (they won't be since, as a beginner, I used different hooks all the way through), sew the sides together, make a lining, and make a handle. Do you get the feeling it won't be as easy as it sounds?

A trip to Spotlight for supplies inspired this cute vintage look pincushion! I love pincushions and have been meaning to make myself one for ages - the ones I have are years old and hideous - one is an ugly tartan hat and one a wicker duck with a cushion in its back.
More pictures of these are at my Flickr page.